aus der arbeit von henry miller, mit dem ich weiterhin beschäftigt bin:
diesmal aus „the air-conditioned nightmare“, das er geschrieben hat, als er durch den zweiten weltkrieg gezwungen war, nach amerika zurückzugehen.
„… but there is a class of hardy men, old-fashioned enough to have remained rugged individuals, openly contemptuous of the trend, passionately devoted to their work, impossible to bribe or seduce, working long hours, often without reward or fame, who are motivated by a common impulse – the joy of doing as they please. at some point along the way they separated from the others. the men i speak of can be detected at a glance: their countenance registers something far more vital, far more effective, than the lust for power. they do not seek to dominate, but to realize themselves. they operate from a center which is at rest. they evolve, they grow, they give nourishment just by being what they are.“
es hat mich sehr gefreut, daß ich – verzögert & vereinzelt – doch noch resonanz auf meine henry miller zitate bekommen habe – von verwandten seelen. denen sei das gewidmet.
zwischendurch – und vielleicht kommt noch mehr von der sorte …